Students » Awards


Grades 7-10: For those who average 80% or over in five subjects:

*L.A. or English 10 *Social Studies 10 and

*Three of the following: Math, Science, French, C.T.S. (an average of at least 5 credits received in one course for the year) Grade 11: For those who average 80% or more in five subjects: *English 20 *Social Studies 20 and *Three of the following: Math 20 or Pure Math 20 or Applied Math 20, Science 20, Biology 20, Chemistry 20, Physics 20, French 20 Grade 12: For those who average 80% or more in five subjects: *English 30 *Social Studies 30 and *Three of the following: Math 30 or Pure Math 30 or Applied Math 30, Math 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, French 30 2. Achievement Awards - For each grade level (7-12) and each subject area using the following formula: A. 80% or more - Math, Social, LA, Sciences, French B. 85% or more - Phys. Ed. C. 90% or more - C.T.S. (Must have achieved this average of at least 3 credits earned in one course during a semester), other 5 credit options. - No minimum or maximum number of awards

Diligence Awards

Awarded by grade level (7-12) rather than in individual subjects to students who have demonstrated consistent hard work and positive attitude. - 2 awards maximum per grade level for classes under 20 students. - 3 awards maximum per grade level for classes that have 20 or more students. - There is no minimum - no awards may be given or less than maximum is allowed. - Students receiving academic awards are eligible. - These awards are decided by all teachers in Junior & Senior High in a meeting prior to the award ceremonies.

Student Union Awards A. President Award - Pins are presented to the Presidents of both the Junior and Senior Students’ Unions.

Leadership Award - Presented to a Junior and a Senior High student judged to have contributed the most on leadership to their respective unions. - Decided by the Staff Advisors and Students’ Union Presidents.

Linda Sawatsky Memorial Trophy - To the Senior High student showing the best combination of outstanding sportsmanship (50%) and athletic ability (50%). - Selected by Senior High Coaches and the Phys.Ed. teacher. 6.

Sportsmanship Awards - Awarded to one male and one female in Junior and Senior High (4 awards) based on attitude, cooperation, good sportsmanship, athletic ability, and participation either on school teams, in Phys. Ed. class or a combination of both. - Selected by coaches and the Phys. Ed. teacher.

Brenda Littman Memorial Trophy - Given to a grade twelve student based on a combination of diligence and academic achievement. -The student must have the highest averages in grades 10 - 12.

-Averages will be based on the top 100 credits (i.e.: derived from marks in those courses which are compulsory for diploma plus best marks from other courses to a maximum of 100 credits) - Marks from grades 10, 11, and 12 are to be prorated by factors of 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Special Achievement Awards - Awards or trophies to honor any special achievements of individuals or groups within the school. - No fixed limit.

Valedictorian - Graduating Class - Awarded to the grade 12 student who has the highest average based on the best five 30 level academic subjects, including English 30. (See Award of Excellence for criteria.) - Calculated by the Principal or his designate. - The successful recipient will address the graduating class and audience during the graduation ceremonies.

Governor General's Award - Awarded to the student with the highest overall academic standing from the preceding year's graduating class. Elementary Awards A. Diligence Awards - Awarded to one student in each grade from 1 - 6 who has shown the most diligence in all classes throughout the year. To be chosen by the homeroom teacher(s) in consultation with the other teachers involved in teaching that class.

Excellence Awards - Awarded to one student in each grade from 1 - 6 who achieves the highest overall marks. To be chosen by the homeroom teacher(s) in consultation with the other teachers involved in teaching that class.

Most Improved Awards - Awarded to one student in each of grades 1 - 6 who has shown the most improvement in all classes throughout the year. To be chosen by the homeroom teacher(s) in consultation with the other teachers involved in teaching that class.

Mary Peterson Award - Given to an elementary student in grades 4 - 6 who has shown the most improvement. This can be either an improvement in one year or a combination of successive years. (Preference is given to that student who has shown improvement throughout his/her elementary years.) - Decided through a meeting with all elementary teachers.

Sportsmanship Awards - To be awarded to the individual who displays the best sportsmanlike behavior in each class.

Honor Roll -Any student from Grades 2 through 6 will be placed on the honor roll if he/she achieves at least an 80% mark in all of the following subjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. They must also show a good effort in their other courses.