Parents » Volunteers



Eaglesham School recognizes the value and efforts of volunteers at our School.
The following is a guideline and policy for volunteers at Eaglesham School.

Upon arrival at school volunteers are to check in with the office and sign a volunteer sheet.  The purpose of this is two fold: First, it provides Central Office with a comprehensive list of volunteer numbers and secondly it lets the School know who is in the building at any given time.

Eaglesham School believes that safety and security of students, staff and issues regarding them are strictly confidential.  As professionals we must follow a code of conduct which guarantees confidentiality – we believe that volunteers are privy to all issues and are thus asked to follow confidentiality rules.

Rules and Guidelines for Confidentiality

Volunteers, by the nature of the position, are privy to a variety of confidential matters regarding the school, staff, students and their families.  Confidential matters are not to be discussed outside the circle of stakeholders.  All schools in Alberta are governed by FOIPP legislation (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy).  Parental inquiries should be discussed between the teacher and the teaching assistant and should be addressed by the teacher, unless otherwise specified.  Parents should be asked to direct their calls to the teacher or administration.

Conduct of Volunteers

The Volunteer will respect the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, color, sex, physical characteristics or age. Criticisms or concerns of staff, students, parents or policies must follow proper protocol.